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Patient Endorsements and
Lasik, PRK, LASEK, Epi-Lasik, etc.

You should not take the recommendation of individual patients - even several - as an indication of a doctor's ability to give you the refractive surgery result you desire. You should not accept the results of your friends' refractive surgery as an indication of what you can expect. Would you wear your friend's contact lenses and expect to get a good result? Of course not. Your eyes are unique and may be totally different than your friend's eyes or the patients a doctor offers as examples of his/her work. The type of surgery, the required abilities of the doctor, and the expected results will all be different from one person to another.

Talking to someone who has had conventional or custom wavefront Lasik, Bladeless Lasik, PRK, LASEK, Epi-Lasik, or any other refractive surgery you are considering is a very good way to learn about the experience, but is a very poor way to know what to expect for yourself or to select a doctor. Remember, even bad doctors get it right sometimes. Choosing a surgery technique because your friend had success ignores the needs of your own eyes and the possible advantages of different techniques and technology.

Definitely ask if the doctor would be willing to give you names of several previous patients. This will give you an opportunity to talk to someone who has first-hand knowledge of the experience, but don't rely on these previous patients' results as an indication of the doctor's ability. It is not likely a doctor will give you the names of unsatisfied patients.

If you are ready to choose a doctor to be evaluated for conventional or custom wavefront Lasik, Bladeless Lasik, PRK, LASEK, Epi-Lasik, RLE, or any refractive surgery procedure, we highly recommend you consider a doctor who has been evaluated and certified by the USAEyes nonprofit organization. Locate a USAEyes Evaluated & Certified Lasik Laser Eye Surgery Doctor.

    Consider and Choose With Confidence

Last updated Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Consider and Choose With Confidence" TM

A few of the communities where Lasik doctors are certified by USAEyes :

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